Welcome to Marquette Park UMC
Our Mission & Vision
We share the mission of the United Methodist Church: to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Our vision for making that happen is to be a diverse, welcoming community of faith seeking to share God's love with all.
Click here to see our Core Values as a congregation.
We are Biblical without being boring or bullies. Methodists are the "four-part" warm-heart people, using scripture, tradition, reason and experience to learn and grow. We strive to live up to our denomination's motto, "Open Minds, Open Hearts, Open Doors."
You and your family are invited to join us as we learn, worship, and celebrate with us. All are welcome! We look forward to seeing you!
Click here to find out more about the United Methodist Faith.

Located in Gary, Indiana’s Miller Beach Community, Marquette Park United Methodist Church has been a spiritual sanctuary for over sixty five years. With a steadfast commitment to the motto of the United Methodist Church (“Open Minds, Open Hearts, Open Doors”), We strive to dedicate our efforts in aiding the greater Chicagoland area.
Our denomination began in England in 1729 as a renewal movement led by John and Charles Wesley. In the June of 1947, a student pastor was assigned to a charge simply designated as "Miller." There was no building or property. Later that fall, a worship service was held in the Wirt High School Auditorium. In December, 1948, Marquette Park United Methodist Church was formally organized with 44 charter members. Shortly thereafter, the District Missionary Society donated land on our present site. The first building was consecrated in December, 1955 and an educational unit was added in 1961.
We are a diverse Christian community and worship at 10:15 am every Sunday. We hope you will find your church home with us! All are welcome!